Thursday, December 11, 2014

Night at the Roxbury Studio

The Laroquettes are working on paintings to submit as Banner designs for Manassas! We have a hummingbird, iris, heron, icecream sundae, boy in a fountain, a camel and maybe a hot air balloon ? Who knows what else will be created? It is just great to be together to paint and enjoy each other's company. We will definitely do this again!

Monday, December 1, 2014

oops! Next Tuesdays with Marni is DECEMBER 2!!!! (not the 12th!)

Sorry about that.  Come Tomorrow TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 12-4 at my Home Studio!!!!
Thank you, Dee, for noticing my mistake.  It is great to have someone looking after me! 

Hope to see you here! I'm making a yummy berry cake.